In April we hosted a group from China - it was a musical group, there were two men and three women. They arrived on April 10th and stayed with us for one night and then went to another city for a few days. Came back to us on April. 16 - 21st. We had the two men stay with us - although it did start off a little rocky. When my daughter and I went to the airport to pick them up the two men that were suppose to stay with us seemed a little upset that they were going to be staying with us. They argued for awhile but in the end came home with us. They were very nice men - Lin was in his 40's and he was the teacher of the group. Wong was probably about 21 years old - his english was very limited. Lin said he did not speak english but he did very well. His son is 14 years old and one of the best piano players in China - he will be in the States in Aug. competing. The group over all was nice - but we are always glad when the Chinese leave. Not really sure why - but they always seem to be a lot more work then the other countries we host.
MAY - was a very busy month for us. Our fingerprints expired for the third time. How depressing is that!!! So we had to go downtown again to CIS and get that taken care of. We have decided this will be the last time we do that no matter what. We figure if we don't have our child by the time they expire we are not going to renew them again.
We also hosted a man from Moldova in May. He was with us from May 1st thru May 20th. His name was Ghenadia and he was here with E-Government he was a doctor but also works for an insurance company in Moldova. When we said we would host we really wanted someone that spoke english mostly because he was staying for such a long period of time. It is so much easier when they have some basic english skills. Well, he did not speak english when he got here - which in the beginning we thought it was going to be a very long three weeks. But after about 1.5 weeks he started to understand more and more. We had a great time with him. Plus we found out that he liked to do yard work. He helped DH with a few projects outside which was so helpful. DH even wanted to know if he could stay the whole summer - he kept thinking of everything he could get done outside. Ha Ha. The other thing that we really enjoyed about him is that he was willing to do just about anything we wanted and would try anything we put in front of him. He really wanted to experience America. He said this will probably be his only opportunity to come to the US and he wanted to do everything that we did. He even took a turn at mowing the yard with the riding mower. He really liked that.
We hosted a dinner here one night with the whole group. What a blast - it was a really great evening and everyone had a great time. But man can they drink!!! I guess they are a break off of the USSR and I have heard the Russians are big drinkers. Anyway the night was a blast!!!
They also had a farewell dinner downtown for all the host families before they left. That was great evening too. They cooked for us all Moldovan foods and of course we drank some more. They sang traditional Moldovan songs to us and then the dancing began. It was a blast! Our daughter was right in there learning all the dances too. It was a sad day for us when he ended up leaving. But hopefully we will stay in touch.
In May we also finished off the school year and gymnastics - which she will start back up in the fall. She started swimming which we are very excited about and she has been doing great. That is the big activity this summer we are trying to concentrate on that his summer. She loves jumping off the diving board and diving off the side of the pool.
I have also started the 100 Good Wish Quilt - wow what a project that has been. The good news is that I found the women that actually made the quilt that I am trying to make. Her name is Gerry and she is in California - she has been very helpful and even told me which book the pattern is in - which is making things a little easier.
JUNE - has also been busy. We had two graduations in the family this year. My husbands niece graduated at the beginning of the month and then my nephew graduated on June 13th. I just cant believe he is out of high school. Seems like it was just yesterday when he could come and stay the night is my little apartment when he was two and three years old. Time sure is flying.
The other good news in June was that referrals came out and they actually made it thru 8 days. That is amazing because the last few months it has been 3-5 days each month. So they are now up to Jan. 20, 2006 - our log in date is Jan. 26, 2006 - so we only have six days left. We hope to get a referral in July or Aug. But of course we really have no idea when we will get it - but that is what we are hoping for.
Also we have had awful flooding in our city and around the whole state. It has been awful - we are so thankful that our home did not take on water this year. So many of our friends had flooded basements and lost so much. It has been very sad.
JULY - well today is the first day of July - and we are really starting to wonder if we are going to get a referral this month or not. We are hoping they will be coming some time next week so we will no. If we don't get one this month we are at least hoping they will get thru Jan. 25th - that way we know for sure we are in the next batch.
Last week Missy Moo's China sister and her mom came to visit and the weather was just awful - lots and lots of rain. We ended up going to the mall one morning. We went in to Pottery Barn Kids which was having a great sale some of their stuff was 50% off. So yes I broke down and picked out bedding for our daughters room!!! I still cant believe I did that. But 50% off - how can that be passed up right? Now if we have a boy - he is going to have to be a very secure boy because he is going to have pink bedding. Ha Ha.
We also found a contractor that is going to build a wall for us upstairs and a closet for the babies room. It would have been so much easier if I would have figured out I wanted to put the baby up there when we put the addition on. Seems like I always take the hard road though. We are hoping he will be done by the end of Aug. I am just hoping that once they get started that they will keep coming until the whole thing is done. I really don't want this project to carry on for 9 weeks. Not looking forward to all the dust again and people in and out of the house - but it will be nice when it is done.
We leave on Thurs. for my husbands parents place to celebrate the 4th of July. The town always does a nice parade for the kids and they have a carnival at the park and a great fireworks display - so we are all looking forward to that.
Well that has been what we have been up to. We are crossing our fingers about referrals - it will be a long week or so. But hoping they come next week.
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